
Spiritus – How It Works VIDEO ANIMATION

Storyboard – Spiritus Inhaler

User Testing – Spiritus Inhaler

User testing using my final design has proven successful. With the minimum of instructions, Anna was able to use the device correctly. The feedback on the scale and ergonomics of the device were positive. I will use these images and others to produce a storyboard, detailing the way in which the device is used.

Final Design Boards

A sample of the boards which I have produced for both Viva Voce and table top presentations.

Collaboration – Spiritus Inhaler


Final Arduino Rig

This final Arduino Rig shows all the functions. I have programmed this using only a few  guides from online and from a book.

Micro Arduino

I have purchased a Micro Arduino in order to create the electronic functions for my inhaler model. Although it’s a little more fiddly than the larger Arduino, this should give me all the functions I need at a fraction of the size. Along with a rechargeable coin battery module, I should be able to fit all of these components inside the body of my inhaler, and in theory make it function completely.

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Asthma Facts Video

Clinical Innovation Event


Yesterday I attended a Clinical Innovation event at Mountain Ash. Hosted by Judith Hall, the event was very interesting and involved a number of Medical Professionals, Scientists, Computer Scientists and Designers presenting their ideas and issues in the hope of finding partners to work with.

I was able to discuss my design with a number of people at the event, and one individual in particular seemed keen to have a follow up meeting to see whether we might be able to work together on a commercial venture.

Spacers and Volume

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This is evidence that my latest design development has a minimum volume of 100ml. I checked this by filling the Spacer with water and pouring this into a measuring jug. My research has shown that there is no advantage in having a spacer which is 1litre in volume compared to a spacer of 1/10th of that, but that a minimum of 100ml is the norm in terms of existing design.